Thursday, January 7, 2016

My morning thought

“When Joshua was an old man, the lord said to him “you are growing old and much land remains to be conquered” Joshua 13:1
Whenever we are thinking of the feature, we have to be thinking of investing in other people. As the saying goes, “any plan that is from God will be too big for one generation to accomplish”. Today I will invest in someone coming behind me so that they can conquer new lands -Dean Curry
     I think the  words "new lands" is a metaphor, I know my kids will not literally find new land to conquer. They will however face; hardship, friendship, love, heart break, adventures, sadness, accomplishment, confusion and many, many other things in their lives that are new. It is my job as the parent to ensure that when they do go through those things they do it with ease, grace, determination and with God.  
     God said to Joshua “you are growing old and much land remains to be conquered” I also am growing old! like the kids I don't have actual land to conquer, but I do have things in my life I need to conquer and the time is ticking. I want to start to conquer family and God this year. I know that doing good in those two categories is a life long process, but want to do much better at both this year. I know that when I on a daily basis work to conquer doing God and Family better I will be setting my kids up for great success in their conquer quests when they are older and time is ticking for them. It is important for them so see that it is possible to go from yuck to unyuck. It is a good example for them.
      My past 10 years as a mom have not always been perfect. I have done things I wish I didn't, I have not done thing I wish I had. But 2016 is a new year and with that is a new beginning. Our family motto this year is found in Isaiah 43:18-19 (the message) "Forget about what has happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I am about to do something brand new"  
     I will not think of the past and be down about my actions back then anymore. My time is going on NOw! Then is gone and I will not get it back. I have the opportunity every day to start new and invest in the kids. Invest time that I didn't before. Invest attention to them that I didn't before. Invest patients with them that I didn't before. Invest in a happy God loving home that I didn't before. In doing so I hope to lead my kids in the right direction. I hope that the time I start to invest in them TODAY, and the time that will be continually invested in them, will result in well rounded God loving people who can conquer the new challenges life throws at them.
     Today I will invest my time to the kids. I will put down the phone and other distractions and really invest into them. Izzy is not home today so spending one on one time with Ethan and Aubrey will be a bit easier. I need to work out a schedule that will allow me to get done what I want to do without taking away the time the kids need and deserve from me. Maybe its getting up earlier before everyone so I can have quiet me time. Then the rest of the day can be more aimed toward the investment! I love me a good list! So that is what I am going to do now. Write out a list of what I need to get done for me. Figure out good time slots to do it in, before the kids get up, after they go to bed. And set the plan into action.
     To my little investments Ethan, Aubrey, and Izzy, look out kiddos I'm about to do something brand new!